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Prince William’s reaction to Kate at royal engagement shows couple’s sweet relationship

Prince William’s reaction to Kate at royal engagement shows couple’s sweet relationship

The Prince and Princess of Wales can be seen laughing together during a resurfaced clip from a royal visit in 2021

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit County Durham

A resurfaced engagement from the Prince and Princess of Wales shows their sweet relationship (Image: Getty)

A sweet moment between the Prince and Princess of Wales when they attended an event in 2021 has resurfaced on social media.

Royal fans have been discussing a visit the couple made to the Belmont Community Centre in County Durham. A clip on social media shows the pair having a laugh as they had a go at golf.

Prince William seemed particularly amused by his wife’s swing, reports The Mirror. One TikTok user even quipped he “laughs a little too hard” at Kate’s golf skills.

Kate meanwhile also had a chuckle as her husband attempted to get into position before striking the ball. Many fans said the interaction shows how comfortable the royal couple are with eachother.

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit County Durham

Prince William and Kate had a go at golf (Image: Getty)

One TikTok user wrote: “Love they both laugh, they’re so competitive with each other, he laughs – finally I win one.”

Another said: “Hahah I love that she laughed it off.”

A third TikToker suggested William enjoyed having the upperhand for once. Kate is a profficiant sports person having played hockey and been a keen tennis player at university.

The social media commenter said: “He likes that because his wife pretty much champion on everything else.”

The Duke And Duchess Of Cambridge Visit County Durham

William and Kate laughed along as they played golf (Image: Getty)

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Kate, 42, is currently recovering at the London Clinic in Marleybone having had abdominal surgery. Once well enough she is expected to recover at home in Adelaide Cottage, Windsor.

She is aiming to be back on royal duties after Easter. Prince William will also be taking some time off with his family while his wife recovers.

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